QVC Tablet Application
Type: Tablet App
Client: QVC
Role: User Experience Lead
With an existing iPad app that had poor sales and terrible comments on the iTunes store, QVC was ready to develop a next generation app for the US and then eventually the world. Followed by a robust discovery that involved visiting the QVC studio and learning about the production process, we designed and developed an iPad app that allowed QVC shoppers to discover products in three distinct ways: DailyQ, On Air, and The Store. On Air borrows from the broadcast paradigm and allows viewers to watch live but with the added convenience of online purchasing. The Store provides a familiar e-commerce browse and shop experience of all available products. DailyQ, however, provides a completely new way to engage customers—one in which the one-to-many broadcast experience is personalized to air products that the individual viewer would be interested in, based on their preferences and activity.